DS + R
On December 9, 2018 I was able to work on a great documentary showing Leading Women in Architecture. As me and my collegues/friends Adriana Lancheros and David Peraza were walking into the building, we couldn’t stop thinking that only a few years back we had been studying DS+R projects at Universidad de Los Andes. How on earth were we stepping into this mythical office, to film the iconic Liz Diller do her job?!
LizDiller, partner at Diller Scofidio + Renfro leads a team of +100 architects in New York City and has worked in world renowed projects like the HighLine and the new HudsonYards.
She’s a tough woman and it was very powerful to see the respect and admiration that she ignites in people around her. Watch her tell her story about how she became one of the most influential people in the industry by “pushing society further”. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did working on it.