There is a special process on drawing what you see. It makes the image travel from the outside to your eyes, go through them into your brain, and exit your body through the hand and into the paper. This way, the image invades your body and become part of you for an instant.
I got this sketchbook from my brother last Christmas, It is part of a huge comunity of artists around the world. The Sketchbook Project is a "Brooklyn-based company that organizes global, collaborative art projects." They have around 35,000 artist's books from more than 135 countries. The library is located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and you can go there to take a look at this A MA ZING collection for free any day during bussiness hours.
They offer challenges with selected themes so you purchase a Sketchbook, fill it out with your thoughts, drawings, pictures or whatever you want to fill it with and then send it back to the Library.
My due date for the sketchbook was the 1st of April, so I decided to stick to a theme called Right Here, Right Now and draw whatever I had at any given moment from the time I got it on December up until the end of March. I used this sketchbook as a photo album made by hand. It contains photographic moments taken as sketches to save memories. They say if you write it down it will stick for longer; well, if you sketch it it will last longer in your head too.
PD: I filled this sketchbook from December 2015 to April 2016 with a black Muji pen 0.38.
If you ever happen to be in Williamsburg stop by the library and take a look at mine! It's called "Architectural Illustrations of places I've been lately" and its number is #S162334
Here is the link to The Sketchbook Project website: