Sí A Todo is a manifest to the positive. Born in New York City by three women that joined forces to say Yes To All that is good, that’s done well, and does good. Using the appropriation of their own Latin culture, and the elements of the Latin expression that were born in the 60s in NYC, the whole brand was built to manifest a celebration of what being a Free Latin Women means today.
Graphic elements were used as subtle communication and symbolism throughout.
Inspiration from the Mexico Olympics graphic design from 1968 was implemented to communicate the sense of collective, team players, sportsmanship, and common purpose.
Groovy fonts with sharp modern use of color taps into the ’60s where two main historical movements were happening: The Women Revolution and Empowerment movement, and the birth of the Salsa genre in New York City.
Stars and Astrology are both a reference to Salsa mega-group La Fania All-Stars as well as the universal meaning of stars. The movement talks to the Universe, everyone everywhere is welcome to join.
Concentric circles with a star in the middle were a reference to Wonder Woman; how saying Yes To All should make everyone feel like.
Colored stripes acknowledge the tropical nature of the founders and where the movement is rooted.
The base colors will always be Yellow, Blue, and Red- the colors of the Colombian Flag- the country where the founders were born.